Press Conference
Worldchampionship Draughts 2011
(16 december 2009)        

Henk Strookappe, director Gibo Group signs the sponsorcontract.
Also the representatives of the municipalities J.M. van der Est (Noordoostpolder) and K. Kramer (Urk) put their signatures.

Erik Hellendoorn
(Best Western Hotel Emmeloord)


Speech IJsbrand Haven
(chairman Stichting Aanzet

An overview of the people present at the pressconference.

Frits Luteijn speaks on behalf of the FMJD.

Interview by Broadcasting Flevoland.
Former worldchampion Harm Wiersma talks with Bart Jonker, Dutch topplayers Hein Meijer and Paul Oudshoorn are interested and president of the KNDB Johan Haijtink also gives explanations.

The board of the organising foundation: Henk Boers, Joop Kip, IJsbrand Haven and Bart Jonker.

Copyright: Stichting Aanzet.