[Event "WK Minicadets Girls Beilen KNDB 2015"]
[Site ""]
[White "Bravaya, Darya"]
[Black "Enkhbayar, Margad"]
[Annotator "Jan Koerselman"]
[Result "0-2"]
[GameType "20"]
[Round "5"]
[Date "2015.11.04"]
[WhiteTime ""]
[BlackTime ""]
[TimeControl "4800+60"]
[WhiteUrl "http://toernooibase.kndb.nl/Afbeeldingen/Spelers/11391.jpg"]
[BlackUrl "http://toernooibase.kndb.nl/Afbeeldingen/Spelers/14029.jpg"]
[WhiteTitle ""]
[BlackTitle ""]
[WhiteRating "1903"]
[BlackRating ""]
[DamboTopLine "WK Minicadets Girls Beilen KNDB 2015 Round 5"]
[DamboBottomLine "Bravaya, Darya - Enkhbayar, Margad 0-2"]
[FEN "W:W21,39:B36,42"] {This position is part of a Composition of C.G. Vervloet (1890).} 64. 21-16 42-48 65. 39-33 48-26 66. 16-11 26-17 67. 11x22 36-41 68. 22-18 41-47 {In this variant the win for black is a lot more difficult.}