[Event "Salou Open 2019"]
[Site ""]
[White "Marynenko, Dmytro"]
[Black "Gantvarg, Anatoli"]
[Annotator "Aleksej Domchev"]
[Result "0-2"]
[GameType "20"]
[Round "2"]
[Date "2019.05.27"]
[WhiteTime ""]
[BlackTime ""]
[TimeControl "4800+60"]
[WhiteUrl "http://toernooibase.kndb.nl/Afbeeldingen/Spelers/4828.jpg"]
[BlackUrl "http://toernooibase.kndb.nl/Afbeeldingen/Spelers/2892.jpg"]
[WhiteTitle "MF"]
[BlackTitle "GMI"]
[WhiteRating "2134"]
[BlackRating "2387"]
[DamboTopLine "Salou Open 2019 Round 2"]
[DamboBottomLine "Marynenko, Dmytro - Gantvarg, Anatoli 0-2"]
[FEN "W:W16,21,26,27,32,33,35,38,39,43,50:B1,9,12,13,17,18,19,24,25,29,30"]40.39-34 30x37 41.38-32 37x28 42.27-22 18x27 43.21x03.                                                                                                                   People who had looked this game with the help of draughts programs most likely already obtained that white missed this surprising combinational way to win. So, how often happens in the game - wheel of Fortune can turn oppositely at any time moment.