MotifMine TournamentBase
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FEN B:WK16:B35,40,44,45,K49,K50 Search
MM-Code 4201  
Author I. Weiss login
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Author MM I Weiss login
Publication Date/Year login
Source Zonneveld, G.W. - Motievengids login
Source MM 250 Positions [MG 585] login
Remark login
Status Win for White login
Date added Wed 11 May 2022 0:41:29
Date changed
Last changed by System
16 Composition(s) found with this motif
Author Pieces Date Source Show/Open
Madame Célina Francony 8x7 + 1x2 01-01-1886 Balédent, Georges - Le Damier, tome 3me (1886)
R. Bergsma 9x8 00-00-1936 Nieuw Friesland
I. Weiss 11x7 + 0x2 01-01-1936 250 Positions Nouvelles
D. Bosma 10x12 00-00-1964 Het Parool
J. van den Boogaard 14x14 + 1x1 30-12-1967 De Tijd
H. Chiland 6x6 + 1x1 00-00-1968 Chiland,H. Secrets et Merveilles du Jeu de Dames
L. de Rooij 15x13 00-07-1969 De A.D.G.-er
M. Veldstra 12x13 00-04-1976 De Problemist
J. Viergever 15x15 00-08-1985 De Problemist
A.P. de Zwart 13x13 00-10-1985 De Problemist
A.P. de Zwart 13x15 00-10-1985 De Problemist
A.P. de Zwart 15x17 00-10-1985 De Problemist
J. Viergever 15x15 00-10-1987 De Problemist
L.F. Faber 14x13 00-11-1987 Dammen
A. Tavernier 9x10 00-04-1989 De Problemist
Y.V. Golikov 7x7 + 2x2 01-01-2004 Concours Respublika