
   Toernooibase Lidraughts Provincial Cup KNDB 2021


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Timecontrol: Fischertempo, 45 minutes + 30 seconds/move
 20-03-2021 Piet Bouma:


Huizum takes third place in Provincie Cup

Well last round of the Toernooibase Lidraughts Provincie Cup is (almost) played and there were yesterday again really exciting games. 
DES Lunteren made an attempt to beat InterBergamo, but the match ended in a draw (5-5). Ibrahima Gaye (again with wrong colors, so game was not showed in Toernooibase) had tough resistance from Coen Bommel, who made a center attack. But the center piece was surprisingly lost and also the game. The other Senegalese player Maguette Niang made a nice combination in a dubious position against Bert van Harten which resulted in a draw. Evert van de Pol won in an endgame, while Bram Cysouw showed a marvellous surrounding against Giovanni Fava. Diego Signorini scored for the Italians the second win by a Coup de la Bomb.

Huizum benefited optimally with a 8-2 victory against Checkers Friends. Topscorer Sietse Nagel had a little bit luck against John Folkers (John missed a draw in the endgame). Bram Scholma (his results go in the direction of his famous brother) had a nice left wing attack, while Piet Bouma played from a classical game to a winning endgame. The other two games ended in a draw, so Huizum moved past DES Lunteren in the rankings.
The “Gelderland” derby between DC Nijmegen and KRASH was won by DC Nijmegen (7-3). After a slow start DC Nijmegen managed to finish in fifth place of the rankings with four victories in a row. Matchwinners were Gerard Martens, Albert Eggink and Stef Migchelbrink. All three did profit from strange misses of their opponents. Willem Starkenburg made a win for KRASH with a kingshot, that resulted in a piece advantage which was enough for the two points.
The match between Zuid Holland 2 and Campagnola is not finished yet. Due to circumstances two games were not played. Hopefully this evening the players can play, although final appointments are not made yet. Interim score is 4-2 for Campagnola. Nicola Gioffrè locked the position of Piet Roozenboom. Liberation took too much material, so the Italian player won the endgame. The other two games were draw.
Troch Tinken Sterk did win with 6-4 against Zuid Holland. All games ended in a decision. Hanny de Vaal-Kokshoorn and Gerda van der Meijden did get blue markings for their victories. Gerrit Terpstra, Joop de Graaf and Wytze van der Meulen did score with some combinations for the Frisian team.

Final topscorers: board 1: Ibrahima Gaye 7-12, board 2: Sietse Nagel 10-16, board 3: Bert van Harten 10-18, board 4: Bram Cysouw 10-16, board 5: Roy Verveer 10-17.

I would like to say thanks to all players for their sportive participation and fair play. Online playing creates some difficulties, but almost all players were flexible to reschedule games to other dates and times when things did not succeed well.
Also thanks to all coaches, especially Moreno Manzano and Giovanni Fava for the participation of the Italian teams (and Senegalese guest players) that gave an international touch to this KNDB cup, with also participation of a Belgium and French player in other teams.
Finally, again congratulations to InterBergamo for winning this virtual Cup, without a loss of a match. Also congratulations for SSS Kampen with second place with talented youth players. And congratulations to my teammates of Huizum with the bronze medal.
And see you again (a lot of players) at the new online tournament: The Toernooibase Lidraughts Eighties Cup.
Stay safe and healthy in this difficult times!

 Changed on 20-03-2021.
 18-03-2021 Piet Bouma:


Last round Provincie Cup and news about Eighties Cup

Tomorrow evening the eleventh and last round of the Provincie Cup will be played. Although the champion and vice-champion are known, still some interesting matches.
InterBergamo meets DES Lunteren. The players from DES Lunteren of course will search for the first victory against the Italian/Senegalese team to secure the third place.
Huizum will try to reach this third place (they are only three boardpoints behind) but Checkers Friends is a solid team, so if they succeed?
DC Nijmegen – KRASH and Zuid Holland 2 – Campagnola are fights for the places 6,7, 8 and 9 (and maybe 5).
The battle of the red lantern is between Troch Tinken Sterk and Zuid Holland. Troch Tinken Sterk can maybe climb with a victory to place 8.
Well tomorrow evening at 19.30 hrs. we will see what happens.

There are now 83 subscriptions at the Toernooibase Lidraughts Eighties Cup which starts Friday 26 March. The first GMI has registered: the four-time PanAm champion Allan Igor Moreno Silva from Brasil. 
But eleven players from India also reported simultaneously. So we are above the eighty participants! Solution is to form six groups of eight players and five groups of seven players, but we also accept last minute subscriptions of maximum five players till tomorrow!

 Changed on 18-03-2021.
 13-03-2021 Piet Bouma:


InterBergamo winner of the Provincie Cup

Yesterday evening the team of InterBergamo has taken a decisive lead in the Provincie Cup. The players from Italia/(and Senegal) had a narrow escape against the countrymen from Campagnola. In the last game (after Moreno Manzana and Emanuele Danese made victories) Alessandro Maggi did not find a win against Diego Signorini (he made a Coup Royal, but with 38…20-24 he could hold also big advantage), so the match ended in 5-5.
DES Lunteren surprisingly lost against DC Nijmegen. Bert van Harten won by a nice forcing against Ludger Buijs, but the players Gerard Martens and Rob Everts (both with a kingshot) scored the victory for Nijmegen. And also a postponed game from the match against Checkers Friends was won, so DC Nijmegen took three points and made a jump in the rankings.
The match between KRASH and SSS Kampen is not completed yet. The players from Kampen have already five boardpoints (wins of Yulia Bintsarovska and Yaïr Eijsbroek, while Hans van Hal made a victory for KRASH). So SSS Kampen takes one or two matchpoints, but also with two matchpoints they cannot win the Cup anymore, because InterBergamo has too many boardpoints. But the second place for SSS Kampen is already secure.
Huizum – TTS Surhuisterveen was the Frisian clash. Hans van Dijk did win last Sunday. This benefit was expanded in the games yesterday. Bram Scholma also made two points and the other games ended in a draw. 7-3 for Huizum.
Zuid Holland – Zuid Holland 2 did show three blue markings for the ladies of Zuid Holland. But the gentlemen of Zuid Holland 2, Piet Roozenboom and Roy Verveer, with strong positional play took care of the victory 3-7. Remarkable was that Johan Pronk and Leny van der Gaag-Pronk (brother and sister) could not start the game on lidrauhgts, And finally they decided to play on Playok…
Topscorers: board 1: Michel Stemper 6-11, board 2: Sietse Nagel 9-14, board 3: Bert van Harten 9-17(!), board 4: Yaïr Eijsbroek 8-14, board 5: Emanuele Danese 6-12.
Well congratulations for InterBergamo and SSS Kampen for their achievements. On Friday 19 March 19.30 hrs. the last round is planned. With still tension around third place, and a big match between InterBergamo and DES Lunteren.
And on 26 March, we start with a new tournament: The Toernooibase Lidraughts Eighties Cup. There are still some seats available. Subscription ends tomorrow.


 06-03-2021 Piet Bouma:


SSS Kampen on second place of Provincie Cup

The big match yesterday evening was of course between SSS Kampen and DES Lunteren. The players from Kampen were victorious: 7-3. Michel Stempher won a very exciting game against Coen Bommel with a big bang at the end. Also Yaïr Eysbroek and Aike de Vries were winners, while Bert van Harten was responsible for the goal against.
InterBergamo – which team  almost can hold the virtual cup in their hands– made a clean 10-0 against Zuid Holland. The class difference was too great.
Huizum – Zuid Holland 2 was a tensive clash. The players from the south got a head start with a win of Roy Verveer. Hans van Dijk made the equalizer, while two other games got a draw. Top scorer Sietse Nagel had the finishing touch in a game that also tended to a draw. But a roundabout with a king brought the victory to the players from the north: 6-4.
DC Nijmegen had a convincing win against Campagnola (8-2). Ludger Buijs, Albert Eggink and Stef Migchelbrink did win here. Moreno Manzana from the Italians could make a victory, but twice he could not find the winning moves.
Troch Tinken Sterk – Checkers Friends was also close. The game between Gerrit Terpstra – Jean-Louis Farcy was first not visible (played with wrong colors), while Douwe Douma and Jan Starke with wins (plus two draws) made an intermediate score of 4-4. But Jean-Louis had also a win, so 6-4 for Checkers Friends.
Top scorers: board 1: Michel Stemper 6-11, board 2: Sietse Nagel: 8-13, board 3: Bert van Harten 8-15, board 4: Bram Cysouw: 8-13, board 5: Roy Verveer: 8-14.
Round 10 is planned on Friday 12 March, 19.30 hrs. Amsterdam time.

 Changed on 06-03-2021.
 04-03-2021 Piet Bouma:


Tomorrow: Round 9 of the Provincie Cup

The match of the day in the ninth round of the Provincie Cup is between the top teams DES Lunteren and SSS Kampen. The winner may still threaten the front runner InterBergamo. 
Zuid Holland 2 – Huizum and Troch Tinken Sterk – Checkers Friends are all about the best of the rest. And maybe DC Nijmegen (when they beat Campagnola) can play a role in it. The leader of the pack: InterBergamo meets Zuid Holland. This result seems predictable. But there is always a chance that the Italians fall for the charms of the Dutch ladies. We will see it tomorrow evening at 19.30 hrs. Amsterdam time. For all participants: please use the link Speel partij (Play Game) of Toernooibase in your browser. It is the most effective method of meeting and easiest way to start the game. 
On Saturday teams of WSDV Wageningen and Hijken DTC will play a match, which will be covered by Draughts 10x10 on a live-stream at Youtube: Start of this match is at 13.45 hrs.
And for all interested players. The next Toernooibase Lidraughts tournament starts at 26 March. Subscription till 14 March. There are at this moment still 64 (not a nice number) places available in this tournament (10x10 of course). Information in the digital tournament room: 

 01-03-2021 Piet Bouma:


Lot of combinations in Provincie Cup!

Round eight of the Toernooibase Lidraughts Provincie Cup which ended today was characterized by a lot of combinations. 
In the match of Huizum against InterBergamo it was Aboubacar Sadikh Diop who started the festival with a shot after nine moves. And also Giovanni Fava made a big bombshot. Piet Bouma managed to get a kingshot, but failed at the finish. Hans van Dijk took the honor for Huizum, but the last chord was yesterday for Diego Signorini from InterBergamo (3-7).
DC Nijmegen did win with a big 9-1 against Zuid Holland and Stef Migchelbrink showed some fireworks in the analyse-room. So could for example Piet Zegers win with a nasty shot, but afterwards Hanny de Vaal had a forcing. Zegers won finally the end game. Also Rob Everts, Ludger Buijs and Albert Eggink did score. Migchelbrink had several final winning chances, but could not get the clean sheet for DC Nijmegen.
The meeting between Campagnola and SSS Kampen had some difficulties. Two games were not played at Friday evening (although everyone was on-line) and on Saturday when the two games were rescheduled, one game was not played. SSS Kampen won however by a combination to two kings of Michel Stempher, and a little one from Yulia Bintsarovska. Also  Piet Dijkstra got a victory, while Loris Cicchrillo did score two points for Campagnola with a very nice winning sacrifice. (2-6 for the time being).
DES Lunteren had a regular win against KRASH (7-3). Bert van Harten and Bram Cysouw made here the shots. The other three games ended in a draw.
The meeting between Checker Friends and Zuid-Holland 2 ended this evening. After Friday there was a 4-4 score. Jan Starke made a contra-combination after a bombshot of his opponent. Ron de Vaal was so surprised, that he did not see that he could catch the king again. Jean-Louis Farcy won also for Checker Friends in a complicated middle to endgame. Roy Verveer (did also made a nice shot) and Piet Roozenboom (he missed a combination) were responsible for the equalizers. And today the last game ended in a draw (5-5).

So after eight rounds, three teams that stand out: InterBergamo 7-14, DES Lunteren 7-13 and SSS Kampen 8-13. They will fight for the Cup in the next three rounds.
The top scorers in the tournament:
Board 1: Coen Bommel 7-10, Board 2: Sietse Nagel 7 – 11, Board 3: Bert van Harten 7-13, Board 4: Bram Cysouw 7-13, Board 5: Roy Verveer 7-12.

The next round in the Provincie Cup is planned on Friday evening 5 March 19.30 hrs. With the top match SSS Kampen – DES Lunteren.

 Changed on 01-03-2021.
 25-02-2021 Piet Bouma:


Tomorrow round 8 of Provincie Cup
The big match tomorrow in the Toernooibase Lidraughts Provincie Cup is between Huizum and InterBergamo. Can the Frisian team take care of a surprise? We will do our best. Last game is by the way planned on Sunday 28 February. The meeting between Checker Friends and Zuid-Holland 2 is about a place in the sub top. Also there is a game postponed till Monday 1 March. DES Lunteren plays against KRASH, which result seems to be a little predictable. The same applies for Campagnola – SSS Kampen, but the underdogs have nothing to lose. In the bottom of the rankings Zuid Holland and DC Nijmegen. One of them can jump upwards when there is a decision. Troch Tinken Sterk has a free round.
At Saterday  there will be a challenge between Van Stigt Thans and Damlust Gouda in rapid pace. Start of the games at 20.00  and 21.00  hrs. Amsterdam time.
So have a nice draughts weekend with semi-livegames in Toernooibase.

 Changed on 25-02-2021.
 20-02-2021 Piet Bouma:

InterBergamo back in the lead in Provincie Cup
After the seventh round of the Toernooibase Lidraughts Provincie Cup KNDB  the team of InterBergamo is with a win (8-2) against Checkers Friends back on track. The Senegalese players Aboubacar Sadikh Diop and Maguette Niang provided with rapid play (where the opponents went along) a 4-0 head start. Also  Emanuele Danese won. On board one there was a curious moment. According to Jean-Louis Farcy his clock was frozen (maybe a lost internet connection), while on screen Renzo Rubele the Frenchman lost on time. They concluded after some consultation to a draw.


SSS Kampen consolidated third place. Henk Kamminga en Piet Dijkstra were the goalscorers here with small combinations. Also Hans de Vries, Jannes van Marle and Yaïr Eysbroek had big chances for a win, but they could not find the net.
Huizum achieved a small victory against DC Nijmegen. Sietse Nagel and Hans van Dijk were match winners yesterday, while Piet Zeegers saved the honor today.
Krash managed to win for the first time against Campagnola. Willem van Starkenburg and Raymond Vandecaetsbeek took the two points here. Loris Cicchirillo was successful on behalf of the Italians. Hans van Hal missed mate in one against the strong player Moreno Manzana.
Zuid Holland 2 made a surprising big 8-2 against Troch Trinken Sterk. Johan Pronk (with a little problem to start his game against Joop de Graaf), Ron de Vaal and Roy Verveer executed the verdict here.

Summary of the top scorers:
Board 1:  Coen Bommel 6 – 9; Board 2: Sietse Nagel 6-11; Board 3: Bert van Harten 6-11: Board 4:  Bram Cysouw 6-11; Board 5:  Roy Verveer 6-10.
Round 8 is planned on Friday 26 February 19.30 hrs. Amsterdam time. The postponed game Herman Scholte - Stef Migchelbrink (Checkers Friends - Nijmegen, sixth round) is planned on 12 March.

 Changed on 20-02-2021.
 18-02-2021 Piet Bouma:


Tomorrow already the seventh round of the Toernooibase Lidraughts Provincie Cup.

InterBergamo can again take the lead because DES Lunteren has a free round. But… they have still to win against the tough Checkers Friends. 
SSS Kampen meets Zuid-Holland. Maybe another chance for the ladies, because SSS Kampen does not play in the strongest line-up.
DC Nijmegen – Huizum will be an exciting encounter. On rating there is not much difference.
Zuid Holland 2 – Troch Tinken Sterk and KRASH – Campagnola are interesting in the second half of the rankings. 
The winners might get connected and maybe get chances to the places of honor in the remaining rounds.
Well we will see it tomorrow evening at 19.30 hrs. Amsterdam time. One game will be played at Saturday.
Also on Saturday DES Lunteren use their free lap for a challenge from Hijken DTC. On 20.00 and 21.00 hrs. they play two games with the fast time-control 15 min. + 5 sec./move.
So tomorrow evening and Saturday evening enough draughtsfun at the semi-live games at Toernooibase!

 13-02-2021 Piet Bouma:

Ladies from Zuid-Holland provide surprise in Provincie Cup

Well it was yesterday evening a spectacular round of the Toernooibase Lidraughts Provincie Cup KNDB. And with an exciting dessert this afternoon.
The women team from Zuid-Holland did get their first victory against KRASH (6-4).  And although the men of KRASH did get several chances to win the match (see the remarks from Hans van Hal on Toernooibase), there were four blue markings for special achievements of the women.

The leaders of the ranking did not make mistakes. DES Lunteren produced a strong win against Campagnola with 7-3. Only Loris Cicchirillo could win on behalf of the Italians.
InterBergamo won with the same numbers (7-3) against Troch Tinken Sterk. The Sengalese guest players Ibrahima Gaye, Maguette Niang and Italian player Emanuele Danese took care of the victories. Wytze van der Meulen made the goal for Troch Tinken Sterk in a nice strategical game with a shot as final.
The game between Maguette Niang and Joop de Graaf, did start after a little while (and was played with wrong colors.) I do not know what really happened. Did both players start the game with the Speel partij (Play game) link in Toernooibase? Using app of lidraughts (instead of using browser) can maybe cause also problems.

Due to circumstances the meeting Checkers Friends and DC Nijmegen is not finished yet. Checkers Friends took the lead with 5-3 - wins of John Folkers and Jeremy Pauwels – while Albert Eggink of DC Nijmegen managed the goal against. The game between Herman Scholte and Stef Migchelbrink will be rescheduled (the fixed date is almost clear) later in the tournament. So uncertain if this will be a win for Checker Friends or a draw.

Huizum took their first defeat against SSS Kampen. Michel Stempher and Yaïr Eysbroek were too strong for their opponents. Sietse Nagel scored again a win for Huizum. 
Then everything (draw or win for SSS Kampen) was depending on the game Gauke Dirk Nijholt – Aike de Vries which was planned this afternoon. Supporters of both teams (and others) were following the game online. And from a classical position both had chances in the game. Aike made the old sacrifice of Dussaut, it looked winning, but he was not accurate. It then seemed that Gauke Dirk maybe could get a major endgame, but with a little mistake, it became a draw and a 6-4 win for SSS Kampen.

A summary of the top scorers at this moment:
Board 1: Coen Bommel 6-9
Board 2: John Folkers 6-10
Board 3: Bert van Harten and Jeremy Pauwels 6-11
Board 4: Bram Cysouw 6-11
Board 5: Roy Verveer and Gauke Dirk Nijholt 5-8
The seventh round is planned at 19 february 19.30 hrs. Amsterdam time. See you then again online!

 Changed on 13-02-2021.
 11-02-2021 Piet Bouma:


Tomorrow sixth round of the Provincie Cup

Well tomorrow at 19.30 hrs. Amsterdam time the sixth round of the Toernooibase Lidraughts Provincie Cup KNDB will take place.
At the top there is the meeting between Huizum and SSS Kampen, again a battle for third place. 
Also interesting will be Troch Tinken Sterk – InterBergamo and  Campagnola – DES Lunteren. Will the teams on first and second place (DES Lunteren and InterBergamo) lose points, or will they go on by winning?  
Zuid-Holland and KRASH is a match at the bottom of the rankings. A chance for the ladies of Zuid-Holland to take one (or two?) matchpoints. 
And at last Checkers Friends and DC Nijmegen meet. Maybe DC Nijmegen gets wings (Dutch expression) and double their points.
We will see this tomorrow semi-live on Toernooibase (and one game on Saterday 16.00 hrs).

Also still more clubs/organisations use the linking between Toernooibase and Lidraughts with the easy link: Speel Partij.
This afternoon for example the online clubcompetition of DC Delfzijl.
Special attention for the initiative of Fitter Brein Lidraughts tournament organized from the DDB-federation where players from the three northern provinces can compete. All information is in het tournament room of that tournament.
I am self also thinking on a follow up of the Provincie Cup. Next week I will introduce a new tournament.
But first enjoy tomorrow the games of our favourite draughts sport!

 Changed on 11-02-2021.
 06-02-2021 Piet Bouma:


DES Lunteren strengthens the lead

After the fifth round DES Lunteren is still on the lead in the Toernooibase Lidraughts Provincie Cup KNDB. They played a clean sheet against Zuid Holland (10-0). One lady of Zuid Holland, Nel Lindhout missed a nice kingshot against Coen Bommel. 
Huizum took for the moment the second place. Sietse Nagel and Hans van Dijk (today) scored the goals against KRASH (7-3). 
InterBergamo can climb to the second place when they finish their meeting against Zuid Holland 2. Due to circumstances the game between Damiano Anselmi and Johan Pronk was not played. The game is now rescheduled at Monday at 19.30 hrs. Interbergamo leads with 5-3, by victories of the Senegalese guest players Ibrahima Gaye and Aboubacar Sadikh Diop with combinations. Roy Verveer scored against, so there is still a little chance for a draw for the players from the South. 
SSS Kampen en Checkers Friends played a 5-5, and lost third place, because Interbergamo will pass them. Only Henk Kamminga and Jean-Louis Farcy divided the points, while Jean-Louis had winning moves in the endgame according to the computer programs.
DC Nijmegen scored their first points with an 8-2 win against Troch Tinken Sterk. Ludger Buijs (somehow he played with wrong color), Rob Evers and Piet Zegers were the winners.

Coen Bommel is at the moment top scorer at board 1 (5-8), John Folkers has also 5-8 at board 2, Jeremy Pauwels and Bert van Harten have 5-9 at board 3, Bram Cysouw is the best on board 4: 5-9, while Roy Verveer has 5-8 on board 5.
Round 6 is planned on Friday 12 February at 19.30 hrs. Amsterdam time.

 04-02-2021 Piet Bouma:


Tomorrow fifth round in Provincie Cup

Tomorrow at 19.30 hrs Amsterdam-time the fifth round in the Toernooibase Lidraughts Provincie Cup will be played. The top-teams DES Lunteren and InterBergamo meet the two teams from Zuid-Holland. The results seem to be predictable, but maybe the players from the South can provide a big surprise.
The confrontations between SSS Kampen and Checkers Friends (a battle for third place), KRASH – Huizum (already one first draw on board 5) and DC Nijmegen – Troch Tinken Sterk looks to be more exciting. The Italian team Campagnola has this time a free round.
For the players strong recommending: use the link Speel partij (Play game) in Toernooibase. And for the spectators: enjoy the games with the semi-live display of Toernooibase and pick your favourite games for display on your computer.

 29-01-2021 Piet Bouma:


DES Lunteren alone in the lead in Provincie Cup

After the fourth round in the Toernooibase Lidraughts Provincie Cup KNDB, the team of DES Lunteren has taken the lead. They played a 5-5 against Huizum, but because InterBergamo had a free round, it is the only team with 7 points. InterBergamo follows with 6 out of 3, while SSS Kampen (7-3 win against TTS Surhuisterveen) and Checkers Friends (a narrow 6-4 victory against KRASH) have 6 out of 4. Huizum, with 5 out of 3 has also a plus score.
Zuid Holland 2 got a 6-4 win against DC Nijmegen with two blue markings for Ron de Vaal and Roy Verveer. Their victories were decisive in the game. Campagnola defeated Zuid Holland (8-2), so the ladies (and also DC Nijmegen) still wait for their first matchpoint(s).

Coen Bommel is top scorer on first board (7 out of 4), although Michel Stempher and Moreno Manzana have fewer lost points. On second board John Folkers is at the moment the best player (6 out of 4). Bert van Harten and Jeremy Pauwels are the best on board three (7 out of 4), while Bram Cysouw has the lead on the fourth board (also 7 out of 4). Gauke Dirk Nijholt is leader on board five, with a full score of 6 out of 3.

On Friday 5th February 19.30 hrs. Amsterdam time, the fifth round is planned. Especially the meeting SSS Kampen – Checkers Friends will be interesting. The winner will be stronger in third place. See you next week on Toernooibase!

 Changed on 30-01-2021.
 28-01-2021 Piet Bouma:


Tomorrow round four of Toernooibase Lidraughts Provincie Cup KNDB

Well the Provincie Cup continues tomorrow with the fourth round at 19.30 hrs. Amsterdam tieme. A clash on the top positions is between Huizum and DES Lunteren. Today first game was a draw. The apotheosis will be on Saterday when last game is played. Zuid Holland and Campagnola battle for the first points on the list, while DC Nijmegen will try to do the same against Zuid Holland 2. SSS Kampen and TTS Surhuisterveen also fight for a place in the top. Last but not least the encounter between KRASH and Checkers Friends. Maybe a first victory for KRASH? We will see it tomorrow on Toernooibase.
For the participants: please use the link Speel partij (Play Game) from Toernooibase. And also check regularly the message box of Lidraughts!

 Changed on 29-01-2021.
 23-01-2021 Piet Bouma:


DES Lunteren and InterBergamo leaders in Provincie Cup

After the third round of the Toernooibase Lidraughts Provincie Cup KNDB the teams DES Lunteren and InterBergamo are the leaders with 6 out of 3. DES Lunteren beat competitor Checkers Friends with 7-3. Coen Bommel and Bram Cysouw were winners. InterBergamo had a close victory (6-4) against DC Nijmegen. The win of Maguette Niang against Ludger Buijs was impressive with a long-term sacrifice. 
DC Huizum has taken third place (4 out of 2), with a 8-2 against the second Italian team, Campagnola. Only Moreno Manzana got two points after a blooper of his opponent. KRASH – Troch Tinken Sterk ended in a first draw (5-5), with winning chances for KRASH. The  game between SSS Kampen – Zuid Holland 2 is for the time being 5-3. Johan Pronk did not get on-line. Maybe his game against Yulia Bintsarovska will be played later.
Guest player from Senegal, Maguette Niang and Bram Cysouw are top scorers with 6 out of 3. Also five players have a clean sheet with 4 out of 2, with three players of the team of Huizum.
At Friday 29th January 19.30 hrs. Amsterdam time, the fourth round is planned. 

 21-01-2021 Piet Bouma:


Tomorrow third round of Toernooibase Lidraughts Provincie Cup KNDB 

The third round of the Provincie Cup will be played tomorrow at 19.30 hrs. Amsterdam time. With the topgame between DES Lunteren and Checkers Friends, but also the other meetings will be interesting: Campagnola-Huizum, KRASH – Troch Tinken Sterk, SSS Kampen – Zuid Holland 2 and DC Nijmegen against InterBergamo. The ladies of Zuid Holland have a free round.
24 games will be shown semi-live on Toernooibase, one game in the meeting SSS Kampen – Zuid Holland 2 is played as this moment. (For the participants: please use the Speel partij (Play game) link of Toernooibase).

 16-01-2021 Roy Verveer:
Beste Aike,
Aanstaande vrijdag 22 januari moeten we om 19:30 tegen elkaar dammen.
Ik ben op die dag pas om 21:00 thuis. 
Is het mogelijk om op dat tijdstip te spelen? of een dag eerder om 19:30 ?.
Ik hoor het graag van je.
 16-01-2021 Piet Bouma:


Three teams lead at the Toernooibase Lidraughts Provincie Cup KNDB

After the second round of the Provincie Cup InterBergamo, DES Lunteren en Checkers Friends have taken the lead with two victories.
InterBergamo managed to catch up on SSS Kampen. Decisive was an important win of Maguette Niang against Yulia Bintsarovska, with a spectacular shot of Niang at the end. Also the topgame between Ibrahima Gaye and Michel Stempher was very interesting and ended in a draw: 6-4.
The battle between Zuid Holland 2 and KRASH ended also in 6-4. Johan Pronk was matchwinner (the only decision) in a strange game system but with a fantastic combination to king.
DES Lunteren was yesterday way too strong for TTS Surhuisterveen. Only Gerrit Terpstra and Jan Hiemstra could get a draw for the Frisian team: 8-2.
The match between Checkers Friends and Campagnola had some difficulties. Luca Manzana forgot his password of lidraughts and played later on a different nickname. Jean-Louis Farcy waited a long time to play the game which ended in a draw, while Farcy missed a winning combination. Jeremy Pauwels and John Folkers managed to win,  Loris Cicchirillo  scored against: 6-4 for Checkers Friends.
The ladies of Zuid Holland did lose also their second game against the debuting team of Huizum. However, a 5-5 was possible. Nel Lindhout had a draw in her hands and Joke van der Meijden missed a very good forcing in the middle game. Today Gauke Dirk Nijholt won the last game against Gerda van der Meijden very fast with a known opening trick. So 8-2 for Huizum.
The third round  in the Provincie Cup is Friday 22 January 19.30 hrs. Amsterdam time. You are welcome to view the games semi-live (with a delay of five moves) on Toernooibase!

 Changed on 16-01-2021.
 14-01-2021 Piet Bouma:

Tomorrow second round Toernooibase Lidraughts Provincie Cup

At 19.30 hrs. (Amsterdam time) starts tomorrow the second round of the Provincie Cup. One game is already played yesterday, and it is clear that InterBergamo will this time not score 100% and must in pursuit against SSS Kampen. Also one game is postponed to Saterday, so 23 games will be semi-live on Toernooibase. We expect again a lot of excitement. 
For the participants: please use the Speel partij (Play game) link of Toernooibase (at for example All results).
See you tomorrow online!

 08-01-2021 Piet Bouma:

Well, the first round of the Toernooibase Lidraughts Provincie Cup KNDB is played. Quit impressive was the victory of InterBergamo against KRASH: 10-0. A lot of combinations. Most spectacular was the duel Hans van Hal - Ibrahima Gaye. It looked like Van Hal could win a piece, but there were many tricks of black. And with one of the tricks the player from Senegal did get a winning king. 
The ladies of Zuid Holland 1 couldn’t hold it against the Checkers Friends. Although Nel Lindhout had maybe a winning endgame against Jean-Louis Farcy, but the game ended in a draw. Also Gerda van der Meijden did achieve a blue draw against Herman Scholte. 
SSS Kampen won with 7-3 against DC Nijmegen with a win of Michel Stempher against Rob Everts (Everts seemed to have chances of winning) and a very early victory from Jannes van Marle contra Piet Zegers.
DES Lunteren - Zuid Holland 2 is still incomplete, although it is certain that DES Lunteren has won. The game between the two tournament tigers Piet Rozenboom and Evert van de Pol is not played. In a real tournament room they would have find each other blindly, but in the virtual world Piet Roozenboom did not manage to start the game. After a lot of e-mail and lidraughts communication the game started with 1.32-28, but then Van de Pol would not play anymore. For the time being the result is 6-2 and hopefully they will agree to play the game maybe next week. Otherwise I have to make a referee decision, but playing is always more fun!
Most surprising for me was the victory of Troch Tinken Sterk against the Italian team Campagnola. Joop de Graaf was matchwinner in the longest game of the day. 
With some little starting problems (so played Maguette Niang with the wrong colors against Willem van Starkenburg, but after the scenes we corrected this  invisible) it was a nice first round with exciting games.
Next round is next Friday 15th January on 19.30 hrs. (Amsterdam time). Also my team (Huizum) will then take action. DC Nijmegen has a free round.
For all participants: please use the easy method of  the link Speel partij (Play game) in Toernooibase at your game. That is quite easy, and colors and time are then set properly, so there will be no mistakes.
See you next week!


 Changed on 09-01-2021.
 07-01-2021 Roy Verveer:

Beste Levien,

Ik heb jou vorige week een bericht via lidraughts gestuurd met het verzoek om onze partij van vrijdag 8 januari  op een ander tijdstip te spelen, maar heb geen reactie hierop ontvangen. Vanwege werkzaamheden kan ik pas omstreeks 21:00 spelen als dat voor jou geen probleem is. Wil je me via lidraughts laten weten of je een ander voorstel hebt?. Ik heb ook een tweede bericht via lidraughts naar je toe gestuurd..



 06-01-2021 Wytze van der Meulen:

Hallo Piet ik heb meneer Maggi benaderd via liddraugt maar krijg geen reachtie

 28-12-2020 Piet Bouma:

For English version, see below

Okay, inmiddels is de inschrijvingstermijn voor het toernooi gesloten en zijn alle gegevens bekend.
Er doen in totaal elf vijftallen aan het toernooi mee. Dit betekent dat in elke ronde één team is vrijgeloot.
Speeldatum is in principe elke vrijdagavond om 19.30 uur, voor het eerst op 8 januari 2021.
Speeltempo: 45 min. + 30 sec..

In principe kan afgeweken van de speeldatum voor een andere datum in deze week. De (detail)wedstrijden van 8 januari kunnen bijv. van 3 t/m 9 januari gespeeld worden.
DES Lunteren heeft aangegeven dat zij het liefst op zaterdagmiddag spelen, terwijl Hans van Dijk en Gauke Dirk Nijholt van Huizum het liefst op zaterdag spelen, vanwege onregelmatige werktijden.
Spelers, dienen zelf contact op te nemen met hun tegenstander wanneer men op een andere dag of tijdstip wenst te spelen! Alle spelers moeten daarom ook regelmatig (liefst dagelijks) hun berichtenbox in lidraughts checken!
Wanneer een partij op een andere datum gespeeld wordt, geef dat dan alstublieft aan mij door, dan wijzig ik dat in het speelschema.

Een aantal teams heeft ook invallers opgegeven. We spelen met vaste opstellingen Wanneer een speler invalt, dient hij de plek in te nemen, die vrijvalt. 
Invalbeurten moeten ook vooraf aan mij doorgegeven worden, dan wijzig ik dat ook in het speelschema. Staat speler nog niet in deelnemerslijst, geef dan naam, e-mailadres en nickname op lidraughts aan mij door.

Belangrijke linken:
Spelerslijst met nicknames lidraughts:
Overzicht teams:
Volledig speelschema:
Hoe contact op te nemen met tegenstander in lidraughts:

En dan nog dit. Samen met de ontwikkelaars van lidraughts is een speciale connectie gemaakt met lidraughts. Dit betekent dat de partij opgestart kan worden via Toernooibase met een speciale link: Speel partij.
Zie schermprint van een test speelschema hieronder. Dat betekent dat binnen twee klikken de partij (mits beide spelers deze link gebruiken) op de afgesproken datum en tijdstip opgestart kan worden. Bedenktijd en kleuren staan dan meteen goed ingesteld. Heel gemakkelijk! Iets meer klikken wanneer men nog moet inloggen op lidraughts (en geen automatische inlog gebruikt). In de schermprint ziet u ook een voorbeeld wanneer de partij op een andere datum gespeeld wordt. De linken worden twee dagen van tevoren zichtbaar in Toernooibase. Ik adviseer met klem deze link te gebruiken!

Tenslotte: bij onvoorziene omstandigheden beslist de wedstrijdleider. 
En uiteraard houdt iedereen zich natuurlijk aan Fair Play. Als er nog vragen zijn dan kunt u me altijd mailen.
Veel plezier gewenst in de competitie!

English version:

Okay, the registration period for the tournament has now closed and all details are known.
A total of eleven teams of five players participate in the tournament. This means that one team cannot play in each round.
In principle, the playing date is every Friday evening at 7.30 p.m. Amsterdam time, for the first time on January 8, 2021. (7.30 p.m. is 6.30 p.m. in Dakar!)
Playing tempo: 45 min. + 30 sec.

In principle it is possible to deviate from the playing date for another date in this week. The (detailed) matches of January 8, for example, can be played from January 3 to 9.
DES Lunteren has indicated that they prefer to play on Saturday afternoon, while Hans van Dijk and Gauke Dirk Nijholt from Huizum prefer to play on Saturday, due to irregular working hours.
Players must contact their opponent themselves if they wish to play on another day or/and time! All players must therefore check their message box in lidraughts regularly (preferably daily).
If a game is played on a different date, please let me know and I will change it in the schedule.

A number of teams have also reported substitutes. We play with fixed positions. When a player comes in, he must take the spot that is released.
Substitutes must also be communicated to me in advance, then I will also change that in the schedule. If the player is not yet in the list of participants, please provide me with name, e-mail address and nickname on lidraughts.

Important links:
Player list with nicknames lidraughts:
Overview teams:
Full schedule:
How to contact opponent in lidraughts:

And then this. A special connection has been made with lidraughts in corporation with the developers of lidraughts. This means that the game can be started via Toernooibase with a special link: Play game.
See screen print of a test gameschedule below. This means that within two clicks the game (provided both players use this link) can be started on the agreed date and time. Timecontrol and colors are then immediately set correctly. Very easy! A little more clicks when you still have to log in to lidraughts (and you not use an automatic login). In the screenshot you will also see an example when the game is played on a different date. The links will be visible in Toernooibase two days in advance. I strongly recommend using this link!

Finally: in unforeseen circumstances, the tournament director (that’s me) decides. If there are any questions you can always send me an e-mail.
And of course everyone adheres to Fair Play. Have fun in the competition!


Piet Bouma

 Changed on 28-12-2020.
 22-12-2020 Piet Bouma:


Update 22-12-2020: nog drie stoeltjes vrij voor individuele spelers! EDIT 23-12-2020: Alle stoeltjes zijn uitgegeven!


Inmiddels is de deelnemerslijst van de Provinciale Cup weer wat uitgebreid en zijn we er zeker van dat we van start gaan. Een team uit Apeldoorn met de fraaie naam KRASH (zou het “krasse heren” betekenen?) is toegevoegd en ook vanuit Kampen kwam bericht dat men met een team gaat inschrijven.
En vanuit Bergamo (Italië) een e-mail dat een groep van negen spelers ook wil meedoen. Voorlopig maar even als één team geregistreerd. Misschien dat men nog een tiende speler uit Italië op hun lijst kan krijgen, waardoor er twee teams kunnen meedoen.

Ook zijn er twee individuele inschrijvingen van John Folkers en Herman Scholte. Dat betekent dat bij deze groep ‘individualisten’ nog drie stoeltjes vrij zijn (bij nood kan er ook één speler misschien bij Bergamo).
Nu zijn lege stoeltjes bij de Formule 1 uiteraard roversgoed, maar tot dusver stond men bij de Provinciale Cup nog niet te trappelen. Maar misschien dat dit berichtje een toestroom van individuele spelers gaat opleveren. Deadline is nog steeds 24 december, maar we proberen uiteraard de teams (zoals het nu staat, zouden het negen kunnen worden) volledig vol te krijgen, zodat iedere speler, die zich opgeeft kan spelen!

 Changed on 23-12-2020.
 20-12-2020 Piet Bouma:

Update 20-12-2020: Damkoninginnen gaan de strijd aan!

De sluitingsdatum 24 december nadert al ras maar inmiddels staan er vier vijftallen op de lijst, waaronder een heus vrouwenteam uit Zuid-Holland! De dames uit Scheveningen/Monster hebben de handen ineengeslagen en laten voor één keer de heren (Zuid-Holland 2) op de tweede rang plaatsnemen.

We zijn benieuwd of – geïnspireerd door  Queens Gambit - ook een aantal damprinsessen de uitdaging aan gaat nemen. In Drenthe (HDC Hoogeveen) en Noord-Brabant (Brainsport) zijn er m.i. voldoende jeugdspeelsters, die met vijftallen deze damkoninginnen van de troon kunnen stoten.
Inmiddels zijn vanuit het Friese twee vijftallen aangemeld (Huizum en TTS Surhuisterveen), met dien verstande dat twee spelers van Huizum (gezien onregelmatige werktijden) de zaterdag als voorkeur hebben. Met al van tevoren vastgestelde detailwedstrijden moet dit in onderling overleg vast geregeld kunnen worden.
Vanuit Gelderland (als grootste damprovincie kan men niet achterblijven) zijn er signalen dat vanuit Nijmegen/Lent en/of vanuit Apeldoorn teams worden geformeerd. En ook vanuit het diepe zuiden (Limburg en mogelijk zelfs België) verwacht ik eigenlijk nog een vijftal. Liefhebber Raymond Vandecaetsbeek staat in ieder geval te trappelen om in een team deel te nemen.
Met minimaal zes vijftallen gaan we van start, en ik heb goede hoop dat we dat gaan halen.

Piet Bouma


 Changed on 21-12-2020.
 14-12-2020 Piet Bouma:


Update 14-12-2020

Inmiddels begint het te lopen. Vanuit een Schevenings initiatief is het (eerste?) Zuidhollandse team bijna vol. Contactpersoon Gerda van der Meijden heeft nog één plekje in haar tiental vrij.
In Friesland hebben er inmiddels vier spelers zich aangemeld voor een Fries team. De PFDB (Provinciale Friese Dambond) stuurt een mailing uit naar alle Friese clubs, met mogelijkheid voor een tiental, maar ook clubvijftallen (of combinatievijftallen) en uiteraard ook individuele deelname.
Aanmeldingen kunnen tot 24 december naar: pboumaharl apestaart Met daarin nicknames lidraughts en e-mail adressen spelers.

 Changed on 20-12-2020.
 12-12-2020 Piet Bouma:


Update 12-12-2020

De animo voor provinciale tientallen is nog niet groot, al zijn er ontwikkelingen in Friesland, Limburg en Italië(!).
Nu afgelopen woensdag de Nationale Competitie volledig is geschrapt, is de optie die vanuit de KNDB gesuggereerd werd,  ook mogelijk. Met clubvijftallen in een groep (eventueel meerdere klassen) online spelen.
Dus als er clubs zijn, die spelen met vijftallen een mooi alternatief vinden, stuur een opgave naar pboumaharl apestaart Met daarin nicknames lidraughts en e-mail adressen spelers.

 Changed on 14-12-2020.
 06-12-2020 Piet Bouma:


Toernooibase Lidraughts Provincie Cup (plan B!).

De Toernooibase Lidraughts Hybrid League Cup is bijna ten einde. En het zijn nog steeds onzekere tijden. De tweede coronagolf is hardnekkig zodat clubcompetities nog steeds erg onzeker zijn. Toernooibase gaat daarom door met een online vervolg!

Inmiddels is in Toernooibase ook het spelen van teamcompetities (teamwedstrijden) via lidraughts mogelijk gemaakt. Daarmee introduceren wij plan B (het slecht weer scenario).
Een online teamcompetitie met provinciale teams/tientallen. Clubs kunnen waarschijnlijk niet altijd tientallen in lidraughts op de been brengen, maar provinciaal moet dat lukken! Mochten clubs (bijvoorbeeld WSDV) toch met een tiental willen spelen, dan passen we daar natuurlijk een mouw aan (bijv. Gelderland 2, maar daar komen we dan vast wel uit). En ook als er bijv. een Belgisch tiental zich aanmeldt (of andere buitenlandse tientallen), gaan we daar creatief mee om. Spelplezier staat voorop!

Rond toernooi, max. 12 teams per poule  (er zijn 12 damprovincies, worden het er meer dan 12 teams, dan maken we extra poules, op basis van gemiddelde rating).
Speeltempo: 45 min. + 30 sec./zet (iets sneller dan eerdere Toernooibase Lidraughts toernooien).
Speeldagen: elke vrijdag op lidraughts, met uiteraard semi-live weergave in Toernooibase.
Ronde 1: 8-1-2021
Ronde 2: 15-1-2021
Ronde 3: 22-1-2021
Ronde 4:: 29-1-2021
Ronde 5: 5-2-2021
Ronde 6: 12-2-2021
Ronde 7: 19-2-2021
Ronde 8: 26-2-2021
Ronde 9: 5-3-2021
Ronde 10: 12-3-2021
Ronde 11: 19-3-2021

Aanvang elke ronde: 19.30 uur. (Normaal geen grote tijdsverschillen met het buitenland, zodat een iets later tijdstip wel past.). Eindtijd van een partij bij 60 zetten is dan ca. 22.00 uur.
Vaste teamopstellingen(!) op basis van rating. (Spelers zonder rating krijgen een geschatte rating.)
D.w.z. dat (toevallig) ook op elk bord een individueel toernooi plaatsvind en dat spelers naar verwachting ongeveer dezelfde speelsterkte treffen.
En: invallers hoeven niet nodig te zijn, aangezien bij een vaste teamopstelling duidelijk is tegen wie je speelt en je een afspraak kunt maken om bij verhindering de partij op lidraughts vooraf te spelen. (Alle paringen van de teamwedstrijd zullen vooraf zichtbaar zijn in Toernooibase).
Mocht er toch een invaller nodig zijn, dan valt deze in op het bord van de verhinderde speler.

Daar zijn verschillende mogelijkheden voor:
Provinciaal (als provinciale bondsbestuurders zelf een provinciaal team willen samenstellen, zullen ze spelers moeten benaderen en een tiental moeten opgeven). 
Clubs (ook clubs zullen dan spelers zelf moeten benaderen en een tiental moeten opgeven).
Individueel. Opgave voor welke provincie je wilt deelnemen (woonachtig in provincie of uitkomend/speelgerechtigd voor een club in die provincie).

Alle opgaves met alle e-mailadressen en de nicknames van spelers in lidraughts dienen voor 24 december bij pboumaharl apestaart binnen te zijn. Daarna wordt zo snel mogelijk het programma van de eerste ronde in Toernooibase gepubliceerd. Ook vragen/opmerkingen/suggesties kunnen bij dit e-mail adres gemeld worden. 
Bij meer spelers (meer spelers voor een tiental) gaan we in overleg (dan mogelijk deelname van een mixed team) om toch vrijwel alle spelers te laten spelen.
Bij minimaal zes tientallen (zestig spelers) gaat het toernooi definitief door. (Dan kan er eventueel ook een dubbele ronde gespeeld worden).
Mocht bij een heel mooi weer scenario vanaf een bepaald moment weer ook ongebreideld fysiek clubcompetities gespeeld kunnen worden, dan stoppen we eventueel met de on-line teamcompetitie. Maar vooraf hebben is er dan een format neergezet (en we kunnen natuurlijk ook gewoon doorspelen). En (voordeel!) dit format doorkruist in principe op geen enkele manier de huidige  normale Nationale Competitie of geplande normale Provinciale Clubcompetities.
Maar wel een mogelijkheid om ook in deze onzekere tijden een leuke teamcompetitie te gaan spelen!

Uiteraard komen er in de Toernooizaal/Mededelingen toernooi van Toernooibase weer handleidingen om partijen via lidraughts te spelen, met ook de ontzettend handige koppeling van Toernooibase op lidraughts, die inmiddels is ontwikkeld.

Piet Bouma, 6 december 2020

 Changed on 06-12-2020.