
   Wereldkampioenschap Vrouwen Tallinn 2021


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Timecontrol: Fischertempo, 80 minutes + 60 seconds/move
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 29-06-2021 Steven den Hollander:

Analyse ronde 1 terug te zien op het Twitch account van Rick

 16-06-2021 Piet Bouma:


11. The tournament will be played as round-robin tournament with 16 players.

12. The final classification will be based on the total points obtained.

13. If two or more players share the same place, the following factors will be used to define the places occupied:

13.1. the largest number of victories

13.2. the best result between the tied players

13.3. the best result obtained in order of the classification

14. If the criteria from the previous point will not decide about final order:

14.1. for the places 1, 2 or 3 – a deciding tie-break will be played: One tie-break with Lehmann-Georgiev system (15 minutes and 2 seconds added per move for an unlimited number of games). If more players shared a place then round robin tournament with G-L games (10 minutes and 2 seconds). The number of minutes to start with may be changed by the main referee depending on the number of players ending ex-aequo and the time available, if necessary after consultation with the FMJD EC representative and the organization.

14.2. for the places 4- … the places will be shared.

15. The official rules of the FMJD will be used. Use of clocks and recording games is compulsory during the whole game. The games will be played in the official FMJD time rate of the Fischer system with 1 hour and 20 minutes for the game plus 1 minute per move. Conforming to the FMJD regulations players are not allowed to agree on a draw before they both made 40 moves. If they do so nevertheless, the referee is obliged to decide on a 0-0 result.