
   Kampioenschap van Burkina Faso 2015


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Timecontrol: Fischertempo, 80 minutes + 60 seconds/move
 31-08-2015 Judion Ouedraogo:

I have promise you a spectacular tournament, you had that.

Resume of prices

Série Nationale

1st : 200000fCFA= 300 Euros

2nd : 125000FCFA= 187.5 Euros

3rd : 75000FCFA= 112.5 Euros

4th : 50000FCFA=85 Euros

Série Excellence

1st :40000FCFA= 60 Euros

2nd :30000FCFA= 45 Euros

3rd : 20000FCFA= 30 Euros

4th : 10000FCFA= 15 Euros

Série Honneur

1st : 20000FCFA= 30 Euros

2nd : 15000FCFA= 22.5 Euros

3rd : 10000FCFA= 15 Euros

4th: 5000FCFA= 7.5 Euros

Special prices

Best strategical player (choosen by MI Mamoutou Mariko): SORE
RAHIM=5000FCFA= 7.5 Euros

Best combination of the tournament (choosen by MI Mamoutou Mariko):
TIEBA MARC in his game against Sawadogo Aboubacar=5000FCFA= 7.5 Euros

Best young player: Poda Harold=5000FCFA= 7.5 Euros

Youngest player of the tournament: DIENI Afdal 13 years=5000FCFA= 7.5 Euros

The woman player : GANAME ADJARATOU=5000FCFA= 7.5 Euros

Encouragment price for young players Poda arthur and Belemsigri urbain
and to the nationale players Ilboudo maxime and Sawadogo Aboubacar who
just grimp to serie Nationale this year and finished 4th and 5th.

The 1st and 2nd of série Nationale received Cup.

The first 3 players of the 3 categories receive Excellence diploma.

MI MARIKO received Recognition Diploma.

Thank to the Main Referee M. Mamadou Diallo for this news.

Thank to you all who maked our dreams a reality.

Thanks and good bye!

Best regards,


 Gewijzigd op 02-09-2015.
 29-08-2015 Piet Bouma:


Championship of Burkina Faso 2015

 Gewijzigd op 29-08-2015.
 29-08-2015 Judion Ouedraogo:

Championnat national du Burkina Faso 2015 en cours du 21 au 29 Août 2015 à la Maison des Jeunes et de la Culture de Ouagadougou (MJCO).

21 août : réunion technique 19h GMT

22 Août: Cérémonie d'ouverture 10h

Ronde 1 série Nationale; Rondes 1 et 2 série Excellence et Honneur

23 Août:Ronde 2  et 3 série nationale; Ronde 3 et 4 Excellence et Honneur :10h et 19h GMT

24 Août: Ronde 4 Nationale; Ronde 5 Excellence et Honneur : 19h GMT

25 Août: Ronde 5 Nationale; Ronde 6 Excellence et Honneur : 19h GMT

26 Août: Ronde 6 Nationale; Ronde 7 Excellence et Honneur : 19h GMT

27 Août: Ronde 7 Nationale; Ronde 8 Excellence et Honneur : 19h GMT

28 Août: Ronde 8 Nationale; Ronde 9 Excellence et Honneur : 19h GMT

29 Août: Ronde 9 Nationale; Ronde 10 Excellence et Honneur: 10h GMT

Cérémonie de clôture: 15 h GMT

 26-08-2015 Piet Bouma:

Message from Judion Ouedraogo:
The championship has:
Serie nationale: 9 rounds
Serie Excellence: 10 rounds
serie Honneur: 10 rounds

 25-08-2015 Judion Ouedraogo:

Our special guest player is The international master from Mali, M. Mamoutou Mariko.

Special thanks to M. Piet BOUMA. Thanks also to M. BOR, LUTEYN,KOSTERS,GOEDEMED and M. LEMMEN.

Follow spectacular games on the tournament base.