
Welcome to the player information page.

Triggered by an article by Arne van Mourik in the magazine Het Damspel of June 2021 in which he indicates, among other things, that there are few "reading stories" about draughts players on the internet, I have created an Info page about deceased players, where information about these players can be found, such as anecdotes, life stories, in memoriams etc.
I have deliberately chosen that only information about deceased players (with a known date of death in Toernooibase) may be posted.
This is to avoid polemics about and with living players. A great place for users with a Toernooibase account to post stories about (club) icons from the past.
Of course I trust that the player will be treated with respect and that people will refrain from making discriminatory comments aimed at the person or groups based on, for example, gender, age, language, origin, religious belief or ideology.
Just like in the analysis room, tournament room and club room of Toernooibase, links, photos and articles can also be placed here. I do, however, attach great importance to the inclusion of a source or photographer at the posting.
In the case of copyright, I request not to post this information or to request permission from the copyright owner.
If copyright infringement is reported, the contribution will be removed with, of course, measures to prevent this in the future.
I hope you will enjoy reading this information page about a player.

Piet Bouma, Harlingen 20-08-2021