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Author:    Herman Spanjer
Source:  Facebook DamComposities Herman Spanjer  Date of publication:  19-03-2021
Link   PDN
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6 motive(s) found in the database:
  Motive Code  Date  Author  Source  Status  Show
3030 08.19.26(--)=11.36.41(--)  2001M. Sabater  Forcings, Combinations & Strategy [M Sabater 2015] uitgave: 2020  Win for White
3030 08.24.26(--)=06.36.41(--)  2001M. Sabater  Forcings, Combinations & Strategy [M Sabater 2015] uitgave: 2020  Win for White
3021 08.26.29(--)=36.41(01)  2001M. Sabater  Forcings, Combinations & Strategy [M Sabater 2015] uitgave: 2020  Win for White
3021 08.26.33(--)=36.41(06)  2001M. Sabater  Forcings, Combinations & Strategy [M Sabater 2015] uitgave: 2020  Win for White
3021 08.26.38(--)=36.41(39)  2001M. Sabater  Forcings, Combinations & Strategy [M Sabater 2015] uitgave: 2020  Win for White
2021 08.38(--)=27.41(39)  17.3.2021E.M.A. van de Acker  Archief Eddie van de Acker  Win for White
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