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Author:  J. Greuzen
Source:  The Draughts Review  Date of publication:  01-01-1933
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Same position in database compositions:
  Author  Pieces  Plys  Date  Source  View
  Greuzen, J.2x2 + 1x0  6  01-01-1933  The Draughts Review
  Geensen, J.P.2x2 + 1x0  6  01-01-1933  Het Eindspel 1941, I
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4 motive(s) found in the database:
  Motive Code  Date  Author  Source  Status  Show
2021 06.40(--)=28.36(16)  J.P. Geensen  The Draughts Review  Win for White
2021 11.45(--)=28.36(03)  JP Greuzen  The Draughts Review  Win for White
2021 16.45(--)=28.36(09)  I. Weiss  Le Bavard  Win for White
2021 21.45(--)=28.36(22)  JP Greuzen  The Draughts Review  Win for White
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