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Author:    Gé Mantel  
Source:  Het Damspel  Date of publication:  00-01-1927
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1 motive(s) found in the database:
  Motive Code  Date  Author  Source  Status  Show
3211 38.42.43(47)(48)=49(36)  1807Lamontagne  Recueil de coups de dames 1807  Win for White
11 Soortgelijke compositie(s) gevonden in de database:
Auteur Stukken Datum Bron Zien
A. Roos 11x12 + 1x1 00-02-1948 De Problemist
Lamontagne 11x12 + 1x1 00-02-1995 De Problemist
J. Siozinys 13x13 00-00-1999 Concours F.F.J.D.
J.C. Patry 11x12 00-00-2007 Memorial Dalidovitsj
A. Rom 13x12 00-00-2007 Memorial Dalidovitsj
E.V.Zubov 12x11 13-07-2015 Forum MIF, topic "Mezdometia"
Sergey Anatolyevich Perepelkin 13x14 31-12-2019 Toernooibase
E.V.Zubov 6x4 + 3x3 13-06-2020 Facebook, group Draughts confetti
E.V.Zubov 13x12 11-08-2023 Facebook, group Draughts confetti
E.V.Zubov 12x12 11-08-2023 Facebook, group Draughts confetti
E.V.Zubov 14x14 02-05-2024 Site DASCO