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Analyse(fragmenten) van Jan van Dijk
 25-04-2021  Alexei Chizhov:
Hi Hanco, I'm indeed in Warsaw to help Tamara. Masks are required here (especially in arrival hall)  and I just keep my money :). I barely use mask in Russia - it is not mandatory on the streets. Currently we are located in the touristic heart of Warsaw - old town and I diidn't saw any policemen in 4 days. Enough people here are without masks. Of course we were tested upon arrival and competition rules assumes that everyone is healthy. That's why Tamara and Natalia play withou masks. In addition they both got covid in the past and are immune.
 25-04-2021  Hanco Elenbaas:
Is trouwens niet beter Tamara als eerste te noemen in deze match? Zij is toch de titelverdedigster, of heb ik iets gemist?  

Ook zou leuk zijn als iemand in 'de Toernooizaal' van Toernooibase de regels/voorwaarden van de match kan uitleggen,    
Dank je wel, Piet! smiley

Tamara is verstandig, zoveel mogelijk dat gevaarlijke mondmasker áf!
Ben jij daar secondant van Tamara, Alexey?
 24-04-2021  Alexei Chizhov:
PDN     Diagram 1
52. 42-37 08-12? 53. 28-22! 29-33 54. 22x24 33x22 55. 24-20 15x24 56. 30x08
 24-04-2021  Eddie van de Acker:
37. 40-34? 17-22! 38. 32-27 [op 34-30 23-29!] 13-18 39. 34-30 12-17 40. 37-32 12-17 41. 42-37 23-29 42. 32-28 3-8 43. 37-32 29-34 zw+