Order by date, first inserted
 20-06-2009  Paul van de Veen:
Tomorrow (Sunday 21-06) we will start at 11.00 local time. Three micromatches will be played. This match will be decided tomorrow.
Thanks for watching today!
 20-06-2009 interesting:
It is draw. How much games will be??
 20-06-2009 unknown:
What happend if now will be draw?? How much games will be after this??
 20-06-2009 nestor bedolido, philippines:
know about filipino dammen, log on to http://filipinodama.webs.com...
 20-06-2009 Belfastchild:
It was a very interesting day today, some nice game too watch, and fantastic effort from the organisation to add a second webcam. This is a great way to let the world watch what happens in a World championship. Thanks very very much to the organisation and I am looking forward to tomorrow's grand finale
 20-06-2009  Paul van de Veen:
@Huub: Your comments are highly appreciated.
 20-06-2009 -huub:
@organisation: I noticed that the combination of multiple frames, firefox, and multiple applets at one page, is challenging. The result seems to be that quite often the applets do not appear on the page, or appear stating "waiting for start of game". I would advise to move the archived games on a totally separate page to hopefully get a more stable result.

Don't get me wrong all-in-all the web-presentation is, despite these imperfections, great!
 20-06-2009 Bart de Vos:
@Belfastchild, I don't see it win a piece for Georgiev in that variant. White can play 37-32 09-14 32x21 16x27 24-19 and 34-30 

> Mm, that seems like a narrow escape
If  after 31. ... 14-20 white plays 37-31, black wins as follows:
17-21! 31x22 18x27. Then, white is forced to play 28-23 and black plays 9-14!  threatening with a simple combination which cant be avoided by either 43-39 (27-31) or 33-28 (14-19 27-31).
After 24-19 13x24 40-34 black can play 8-13 34-30 13-18 27-31 36x27 21x32 20-24 29x20 18x47 with an endgame with 1 extra piece.
 20-06-2009 Piet Leijenaar:
Is this the last game for today?
 20-06-2009 huangdi:
bu shi, wo keyi shuo zhongguo hua, ... yi dian dian ...

The short translation is : no.
 20-06-2009 Rudolf:
@ Groeneveld!! 6 games!! I like it!!
 20-06-2009  Paul van de Veen:
We will not change anything a few minutes before the start of the last game of today. Mute the volume if you do not want to hear Auke Scholma. It is thanks to the devoted and expert technicians here at the University Twente that we are able to broadcast two videostreams instead of one. 
My apologies for the imperfections!
 20-06-2009 Belfastchild:
@Bart de Vos, I don't see it win a piece for Georgiev in that variant. White can play 37-32 09-14 32x21 16x27 24-19 and 34-30
 20-06-2009  Jan van den Hooff:
at last I had my full screen with both players back after pressing :launch in external player; I didn't know what it meant but it worked!! terrific again, to seen both players so near (and so far away). complimenten aan de organisatie!! - Jan
 20-06-2009 -huub:
For those who like to experiment I have prepared a new version of dambolite. It will show the last match of today at 10x10.org/dao/wc2009.html. It comes with a companion tool, called dao, that can be used to play along with the game to test your ideas on certain positions. All comments on these tool are welcome at info@10x10.org.
 20-06-2009  Willem Leijenaar:
Compliments for the organisation!  Scholma sounded like Schwarzenegger for a while, but when i pushed some buttons everythings seems to work now! Nice to watch the live demonstrations in this way!  
 20-06-2009 nestor bedolido, philippines:
huangdi, are you chinese?
 20-06-2009 Belfastchild:
In the analysis Auke just made, 31. 37-32 14-20 32x21 16x27 28-23 he played 09-14 which according to Flits is valued +0.31, while 17-22 gets the value +1.03.
 20-06-2009 groeneveld:
why not play 20 games and theone with
the most points wins the title
In case of a draw ,The worldchampion
retains the title
and what do you think of taking in account
the + or - draws  ?

 20-06-2009 huangdi:
Can somebody remove the analysis audio stream from the match video?
Or am I the only one to find it not so logical to have an analysis video without sound (?) and a match video with the analysis sound. I would rather like to hear the players move the pieces and pressing the clock.

Furthermore, I guess only Dutch people are interested in the analysis by Scholma.
 20-06-2009 Bart de Vos:
Did Georgiev miss a win??

31. 45-40??
Black could have won a piece (?) by:
14-20 28-23 (40-34 37-31 and 37-32 lose directly)  17-22! 40-34 4-10 (9-14? 24-19! 13x24 34-30 and white is saved) and white can't defend the piece on 23?!?
 20-06-2009 chessplayer:
This 'barrage' is great fun! The chess world has seen great tiebreakers live on the internet, bus as far as I know never combined with webcam
 20-06-2009 Belfastchild:
Auke mentioned after 31. 28-23 (instead of 45-40) to play 18-22, but I think 17-22 would be even better.
 20-06-2009  Koos van Amerongen:
31.45-40 14-20 32.28-23 17-22 33.40-34 9-14 34.24-19!  13x24 35.34-30 4-10 36. x whit a better position for white.
 20-06-2009 lerak:
Very polite for the foreign watchers of this game to talk Dutch, gentleman...
 20-06-2009  Jan van den Hooff:
Georgiev didn't punnish 31.45-40? with 14-20; 35-30 was obligatory with e retreat mpossibility  
 20-06-2009  Piet Bouma:
Please remarks on English and on the game!
 20-06-2009 Adriaan:
Commentaar blijven geven Tjalling, is juist geweldig. Dank hiervoor.
 20-06-2009  Gauke Dirk Nijholt:
Dat is algemeen bekend leo.....
 20-06-2009  Tjalling:
Lerak die de eerste partij vandaag zo saai vond, grijpt in als anderen niet meedoen aan zijn norm van 100% zuurpruimerij, wat een sfeermaker toch! 
Goed, ik houd m'n kop wel verder.
 20-06-2009  Sietse Nagel:
The FMJD only knows the hymne, which was played at the ceremony before the match began.
 20-06-2009  Leo van der Galien:
excusee voor mijn slappe geouwehoer, ik ben nu eenmaal snel afgeleid..........sorry
 20-06-2009 lerak:
i thought this was a serious site but it looks like i have signed in on damforum Fryslan
 20-06-2009  Leo van der Galien:
Hoi Tjalling, een mooi lied zeg je, en dat over Georgiev nog wel, wellicht dat de vertolker van het lied vocaal niet aan de strenge eisen van de FMJD voldoet...........
 20-06-2009  Piet Bouma:
@Willem. Flip function is only available at Oerterp-applet. The dambo-applet has this function not (yet). Wieger has mailed me that in a new version they think to implant that.
 20-06-2009  Tjalling:
Ha mooi, Rotjoch roert zich, dat komt de sfeer immer ten goede dit positieve element en goot schrijftalent! Rotjoch, zo moeilijk wa smijn vraag niet wanneer de eerste beslissing zou vallen. Gewoon in de volgende partij was het juiste antwoord. Wat denk je, wie wint de volgende, Rotjoch, en nou niet jezelf verschuilen achter die mooie symmetrische rating van je, 696, wat was het ook alweer? 
Gisteren is trouwens een mooi lied van mij over Georgiev hier weggehaald, wat vind je nou van dergelijke censuur?
 20-06-2009  Gauke Dirk Nijholt:
Leo, die feestjes mag je ook wel eens overslaan :P:P
 20-06-2009  Geb Kos:
This is game 5, press next if you are on game 4!
 20-06-2009  Willem Leijenaar:
Piet, is het hier ook mogelijk (net als via toernooibase) om zo'n FLIP functie te maken zodat het bord gedraaid wordt?      
 20-06-2009 Gerard Taille:
Thank you very much to continue your comments in english
 20-06-2009  Koos van Amerongen:
schwarzman doet nog een paar vingeroefeningen, iets dat Georgiev niet hoeft te doen, wegens zijn conditie! Zal nog wel spannend worden, zo niet vandaag dan morgen. (ben ervan overtuigd dat morgen de beslissing gaat vallen)
 20-06-2009  Tjalling:

48-42? Of course 37-31x32 should be played we know now. 13-18 33-29 24x33 38x29 23-28!  The clou is that 42-38 is answered by one of Schwarzman's famous sacrifices: 16-21!! 27x16 28-33 with big advantage for black. 
In all his white games georgiev went to <15>....... 
 20-06-2009  Koos van Amerongen:
Let's play again!
 20-06-2009 Lex Mulder:
Georgiev was unrecognisable in game 4. He played some really abysmal moves, terrible.
 20-06-2009  Leo van der Galien:
Kunnen de heren dammers even voortmaken, ik moet om 17.00 uur naar een BBQ, cq zuippartij...........
Alvast dank !!  
 20-06-2009  Jan van den Hooff:
The beauty (Tjalling) against the beast now?
 20-06-2009  Gauke Dirk Nijholt:
ja sietse, je kunt niet de hele dag naar de live applets kijken
 20-06-2009  Sietse Nagel:
@Piet: Thanks man. All text is in view.

Les 1 op de jeugddamclub voor jeugdspelers, die iets willen laten zien op het demonstratiebord:
Als je aan de zijkant gaat staan, kan iedereen het zien.
 20-06-2009  Martijn de Leeuw:
En de kansen zijn weer helemaal terug, maar liet Georgiev zich niet heel makkelijk onder de voet lopen?!
 20-06-2009  Piet Bouma:
@ Sietse Commentaarbreedte hersteld.
Gerben had een hele lange link geplaatst. Niet meer doen!
 20-06-2009 Belfastchild:
Question for the organisation, is it possible to ask the audience to move away from in front of the board, so we can see what they are talking about?
 20-06-2009  Sietse Nagel:
Wat is er gebeurd met de breedte van de commentaarkolom. De hele tekst past niet meer in beeld.
Congratulations to Schwarzman.

Moest even naar de Schrans in Huizum en betrapte daar twee dammers. Gauke Dirk Nijholt was er al tijdens de 3e partij tussenuit gepiept om wat voedsel in te slaan. Aan de overkant fietste Sijtze de Visser voorbij, maar goe. Dat is meer een  lid van verdienste dan een dammer.
 20-06-2009  Tjalling:
Nice, the Beast beating back!
 20-06-2009  Jan van den Hooff:
hello, first victory fot Schwarzman +1,10
 20-06-2009 Belfastchild:
Schwarzman will win this one
 20-06-2009 guest:
Simply use the refresh button !
 20-06-2009  Geb Kos:
This is game 4, press next if you are on game 3
 20-06-2009  Koos van Amerongen:
Hello everybody. I had a training today from Rik Keurentjes. He says that Georgiev will win. Schwarzman said before the tournament, that he thought he would lose, because the (mental) condition of Georgiev.
 20-06-2009 huangdi:
appet: waiting for start of game!?????????
 20-06-2009  Paul van de Veen:
Applet, Horizon, live video and comments all running properly.
 20-06-2009 huangdi:
no applet, no video!  
 20-06-2009 Belfastchild:
Getting ready for the fast games. Will Auke be able to keep up with the speed of these games?
 20-06-2009  Paul van de Veen:
For everyone, just starting. Have some patience with the video. It is a slow starter. But without comments here, you may assume that both video channels are working properly.
 20-06-2009  Gerben van Steenbergen:
het zou mooi zijn als "de 2 tovenaren" dit knipseltje van Norbert Parisot  L'Effort december 1995 op het bord zouden krijgen (het staat ong. int midden
 20-06-2009  Hans van Dijk:
Goedemiddag, kan het zijn dat de webcam het niet doet ?
 20-06-2009 Paul Oudshoorn:
Ouch Bart. I had not seen that.
Maybe Schwarzman missed a chance:)
 20-06-2009  Geb Kos:
If you refresh your screen (press f5) you will see the link to the analyse room under the gameboard.
 20-06-2009 huangdi:
who are those clowns?
 20-06-2009  Christian van der Schaaf:
Het ontbreekt er alleen nog maar aan dat Van Beek en Teer een potje gaan dammen. Amateurs
 20-06-2009  Paul van de Veen:
Next game starts at 15.30. The following breaks will be 15 minutes.
 20-06-2009  Geb Kos:
Next game at 15:30
You can download this game as pdn-file in the games menu.
 20-06-2009 Bart de Vos:
Paul, nice combination, but unlikely to happen.
12-18? is a mistake.
39-34 is actually a strong move!
After 18-23* white plays 27-21 which results in a king for white.
 20-06-2009  Feike Boomstra:
43. database draw
 20-06-2009 nestor bedolido, philippines:
schwarzman's coach must tell schwarzman to make it fast in theopening and middle game to have more time for the endgame where the position is highly decisive for a draw or loss...
2 minutes for 10 pieces to dispose!!!

in the endgame he runs out of the thinking time and more possibility of mistakes and miscalculations!
 20-06-2009 guest:
maybe should Scholam tell, that hey must say the numbers
 20-06-2009 nestor bedolido, philippines:
another delay for schwarzman!!!
 20-06-2009 Paul Oudshoorn:
Variation: 21.28-22 24-29 22. 34x29 18x29 23. 37-31 26x37 24.41x32 9-14 25. 32-28 14-19 26.46-41 12-18 27.39-34? 18-23! 28.38-32 19-24 29.28x30 7-12 30.34x29 25x34 31.40x29 13-18 32. 22x13 8x46

comment for game3
 20-06-2009 nestor bedolido, philippines:
i think schwarzman overlook the essence of time where he invests much time for a move in the middle game. it seems as if he is going to defeat his opponent immediately when there are still many variations for a draw. thats why he runs out of time in the endgame.
georgiev is a fast player and has fully understood that 10x10 has more chances of draw than the 8x8 version.
 20-06-2009 lerak:
Heb nu beeld EN geluid van Auke Scholma. Goed om zijn nuchtere en deskundige commentaar te horen in plaats van het geneuzel over wat omsingeling in 't engels is
 20-06-2009 Belfastchild:
I think 27. 24-29 25-30 gives black control over the center and is therefore the best option
 20-06-2009 Laurens :
And if you want both videostreams in your browser, you can browse to:

Hello, To be sure: There are 2 types of streams: http://video.utwente.nl/vrijhof-high.asx (playroom, image above) http://vcdstream.student.utwente.nl/wkdammen.asx (eplanations) or if above doesn't work: mms://video.utwente.nl/vrijhof-high mms://vcdstream.student.utwente.nl/wkdammen Greetings, Laurens
 20-06-2009  Sietse Nagel:
Beeld doet het weer.
Het beeld staat stil. Krijg de volgende mededeling:

Kan het bestand niet afspelen, omdat de server bezet is. Probeer het later opnieuw.
 20-06-2009  Wieger Wesselink:
@Laurens: dank je, deze URL werkt onder linux!
 20-06-2009 groeneveld:
firewall set to the lower degree
and i can see Auke,but i still can't here
 20-06-2009  Lelio Marcos:
Here is everything working fine. Only some ecos in the strong Auke´s voice !
 20-06-2009 Laurens :
@Wieger: Je kan voor de spelruimte eventueel ook de url: mms://video.utwente.nl/vrijhof-high gebruiken. We zijn ook druk bezig met een asx bestand zoals de andere stream. Groet, Laurens
 20-06-2009 lerak:
Ja, ik heb Scholma ook in beeld maar heb geen geluid.
 20-06-2009  Piet Bouma:
The methode I used:
Normal Live game (do not launch streaming video in external player).
New tabpage in Internet Explorer.
Past link mms etc. .
Windows Media Player starts and second stream appears.
 20-06-2009  Geb Kos:
Link: mms://vcd.student.utwente.nl/wkdammen
 20-06-2009  Sietse Nagel:
Dat linkje van Laurens, dat was het.
Ik heb Scholma in beeld.
Ik heb even beeld gehad van het demonstratiebord.
Toen ik dit nog eens wilde proberen, lukte het niet meer. Apart.
 20-06-2009  Piet Bouma:
Mooi jasje GMI Scholma. Succes met de demonstraties!!
 20-06-2009  Geb Kos:
Click next for the next game
 20-06-2009 Martijn:
Or even better 51. 21-27 29-23 38-42 36-41 better for black.
 20-06-2009  Paul van de Veen:
@Wieger: we werken er aan.
 20-06-2009 groeneveld:
i leave it....thanks everybody
I will follow the game,
without analyse and sound

if i change something ,the chance
is that i can't see anything

 20-06-2009  Piet Bouma:
@Paul. Ik heb je 06 niet kunnen vinden... Mijn vrouw heeft de mijne mee....Wrs. uit. Stuur me effe een mail.
 20-06-2009 Martijn:
51. 37-42 was the crucial mistake in game 2 I think. Better was 21-27 and for example 29-23 37-42 38-43 15-10 09-14 43-48 and running for a second king with 27. But still difficult for Schwarzman with so less time.
 20-06-2009  Christian van der Schaaf:
Schwarzman has to avoid the Keller now
 20-06-2009  Wieger Wesselink:
@Paul van de Veen: kun je ook een rechtstreekse URL van de partij livestream geven? De livestream van de commentaarruimte die je net hebt gegeven werkt namelijk onder linux. Van de gewone partij is niets te zien onder linux.
 20-06-2009  Christian van der Schaaf:
Mister Groeneveld: Maybe disable your firwall. speciaal het windows ding doet toch niets dan de verkeerde dingen tegenhouden
 20-06-2009  Tjalling:
"What do you do, mr Georgiev if five attempts to win with the Keller fail?"
 "I succed the sixth time."
You need a little patience...
 20-06-2009  Paul van de Veen:
@Piet: piet, bel me svp even op. Je hebt m'n 06. Of zet die van jou even aan :-)
 20-06-2009  Lelio Marcos:
In this level we will see a result different of draw only in games with short time. They are too strong and normally don´t make mistakes. Only with short  time they can sometime make some mistakes.
 20-06-2009  Geb Kos:
2 video streams at the same time is not working for everybody, Paul vd Veen will sort this out with the University technicians, (if he can in only 10 minutes)
 20-06-2009 groeneveld:
second link works also not

i get an error 

Kan het bestand niet afspelen. Mogelijk verhindert een netwerk-firewall dat het bestand kan worden geopend via het UDP-transportprotocol. Als u in het dialoogvenster URL openen een URL hebt getypt, kunt u het met een ander transportprotocol, zoals http:, proberen.
 20-06-2009 unknown:
Finally we have not draw, unbelivable, incredible.
 20-06-2009  Piet Bouma:
@Laures. It works!! Webcam in Live Game and Windows Media Player for demonstration room. Please a lot more light in demonstration room.
 20-06-2009 Friso Fennema:
Good job organisation! Wow, what a victory for Georgiev.
 20-06-2009 Laurens :
It is another type of link. Unfortunatly there is no option to create an .asx link at this moment. Be sure to give it some time to load.
 20-06-2009 unknown:
Georgiev take the lead !!!!
 20-06-2009  Piet Bouma:
@Paul. Is this a right link. I think it has to end on extension .asx
 20-06-2009 Laures:
the correct url is: mms://vcd.student.utwente.nl/wkdammen without http in front. Greetings, Technical Staff Vrijhof
 20-06-2009 Belfastchild:
Thanks Paul, that is great service
 20-06-2009 Lex Mulder:
But I am still not convinced of the soundness of the white strategy!
 20-06-2009  Paul van de Veen:
We have a second video channel now.
Please try this link
Questionable if Mediaplayer can open 2 at the same time. A question for other to comment on.
 20-06-2009 Lex Mulder:
I am very glad, my favourite won this game!
 20-06-2009 Kees:
Sterk gespeeld door Georgiev. Onverwachte ontknoping.
 20-06-2009  Geb Kos:
You can download this game as pdn-file in the games menu.
 20-06-2009  Wieger Wesselink:
@Christian: I would say it was a great strategical victory for Georgiev.
 20-06-2009 Belfastchild:
Very good game from Georgiev, made great use of his advantage on the clock. I wonder what Schwarzman will come up with to try and get a game back, cause he is still a player who is full of surprises.
 20-06-2009  Gerrit Wassink:
But also Schwarzman is willing to take the risk in this variant every time.
 20-06-2009 chessplayer:
when is the next game? At 14.00 hours?
 20-06-2009  Hendrik Veenstra:
Wow, we want more
 20-06-2009  Sietse Nagel:
Congratulations to Georgiev.
 20-06-2009  Christian van der Schaaf:
Great tactical play from Georgiev!
 20-06-2009  Gerben van Steenbergen:
Al mijn complimenten gaan naar Georgiev!!!

Klasse Georgiev!!! dit komt hard aan bij Schwarzman!
 20-06-2009  Sietse Nagel:
Staat de zwarte dam klem ?
Opgave !
 20-06-2009 Gerard Taille:
database win
 20-06-2009  Tjalling:
Wow, what a game. Georgiev wins. Should have made the 21-27x27 exchange. Five Kellers weren't enough to wear the Beast out. A sixth one took him down. 
 20-06-2009  Paul van de Veen:
@Jens: Vrijhof, Agora en Amphitheater
 20-06-2009  Wieger Wesselink:
Schwarzman's 51... 37-42 was too early. Now he is in big trouble.
 20-06-2009 huangdi:
ebs in stress, I guess!
 20-06-2009  Wieger Wesselink:
45.24-20 was not the best plan for Georgiev. He could have played 44-39-34 with the threat 24-19, 47-41, 29-24.
 20-06-2009 Jens:
I am at the campus right now, but cant find it, what building is it?
 20-06-2009  Gerben van Steenbergen:
@Piet, ik heb het beeld wel, maar hij loop steeds vast...
 20-06-2009  Piet Bouma:
@Gerben. Dat zijn echt instellingen van je eigen computer/Media Player.
@Paul. Two videostreams? Can Windows Media Player take that, or have people then to switch between videostreams?
 20-06-2009  Wieger Wesselink:
It's a really unique strategy from Georgiev. The situation is dangerous for Schwarzman after 43.37-32.
 20-06-2009 Rudolf:
Komen kijken.... Enschede ligt ver weg hoor ;)
 20-06-2009 Belfastchild:
After 41. 03-09 Flits says for the first time advantage for white
 20-06-2009  Gerrit Wassink:
And offcourse compliments to the players. They try really everything to please us spectators! For me they are both big champions.
 20-06-2009  Gerben van Steenbergen:
wanneer komt het beeld???
 20-06-2009 huangdi:
less than 2 minutes for Schwartzman!
 20-06-2009 lerak:
O dear, mr. goodmood is taking the advantage. No, i am only a neutrale observator, Tjalling.
 20-06-2009  Gerrit Wassink:
Agree with Sietse. Good job from organisation! I enjoy  very much. Compliments!!
 20-06-2009 guest:
Tjalling, you wake up earlier as a copple months ago, during the Rapid cham'ship
 20-06-2009  Gerben van Steenbergen:
ik hoor alleen de stem van Scholm :s
 20-06-2009  Paul van de Veen:
We are working right now on a second live video stream. Likely before the third game I will post a link to this stream. As you will understand, we can not implement it into the site.
 20-06-2009 Paul Oudshoorn:
Wit lijkt een makkelijk plan te hebben in het schema: 39-34 44-40 en 29-24
 20-06-2009  Sietse Nagel:
Werkelijk uniek. Beeld van de spelers, een live-applet van de partij, commentaar van Scholma en commentaar van Jan en alleman.
Complimenten aan alle medewerkers.
The technical effort keeps us at home in front of the screen. Horizon likes de X-line.
 20-06-2009  Tjalling:
You like posting bagger, Lerak? 
 20-06-2009 Martijn:
Very nice to hear comments of Scholma. Fantastic work of the organization! Live comments, stream, game and analysis by Horizon!! Very nice!
 20-06-2009  Wieger Wesselink:
Will Schwarzman play 37... 28-33?
 20-06-2009 lerak:
Boring game till sofar. I hoped to see more spectacle.
 20-06-2009  Tjalling:
Georgiev built a back slash (/).. with his back leaning in the 36 / 41/ 42 / 46 / 47 / 48 chair ... 
 20-06-2009 chessplayer:
dubbele leunstoel, het snoepgoed op links, Scholma verrijkt de damliteratuur met een paar fraaie termen!
 20-06-2009  Christian van der Schaaf:
What a day! Is Georgiev going mad? 32. 33-29 is far out.
 20-06-2009 Paul Oudshoorn:
Met de terugruil 33-29 30x39 maakt Georgiev gebruik van de dubbele leunstoel van Scholma....
 20-06-2009  Sietse Nagel:
@Gerben: restart the computer.
 20-06-2009  Gerben van Steenbergen:
@Nagel bedoel je een herstart van de P.C. of van de website???
 20-06-2009 Belfastchild:
I'm verry happy that the organisation made a comment to Auke about our request to mention the moves. His remarkt to come to the location was of course nice, but for people who are not in The Netherlands not really an option
 20-06-2009  Sietse Nagel:
@Gerben: Die opmerking van die firewall had ik eerst ook, maar na een herstart lukte het ineens wel.
Keep Trying.
 20-06-2009  Gerben van Steenbergen:
Windows Media Player kan het bestand niet afspelen. De oorzaak is mogelijk een netwerk-firewall, waardoor het bestand niet kan worden geopend via het UDP-transportprotocol. U kunt proberen dit bestand af te spelen door het bestand te openen zonder UDP op te geven.

 20-06-2009 groeneveld:
i will follow the game without comment
thanks for all the help,
but i still won't hear sound at all
even if i set mediaplayer to 100,

 20-06-2009  Sietse Nagel:
Is Medvedev al gearriveerd of komt hij niet naar het Wladiwostok van Nederland ?
 20-06-2009  Wieger Wesselink:
This time Schwarzman stays away from square 19, so Georgiev cannot play the backwards exchange 30-24x34.
 20-06-2009  Tjalling:
Thx feur de tip man. Auke has only one tongue left now!
 20-06-2009  Paul van de Veen:
Sorry, we have only one live stream. Maybe an idea: get into your car or take a train to Enschede. It isn't that far! This is the place to be.
 20-06-2009 Rudolf:
Idd webcamverbinding erbij!!
 20-06-2009  Paul van de Veen:
Sorry, we have only one live stream. Maybe an idea: get into your car or take a train to Enschede. It isn't that far! This is the place to be.
 20-06-2009  Willem Leijenaar:
Kan er ook een webcam op Auke? 
Dan kan ik meteen zien wat ie bedoelt met die en die..

Tjalling: Voor het geluid. Klik op het webcam beeld, rechtermuisknop, volume dempen of zacht!
werkt perfect!

 20-06-2009  Sietse Nagel:
Sorry. It is possibility.
 20-06-2009 Rein van der Pal:
Scholma is speaking wih 'a double tongue' and that's a pitty.
 20-06-2009  Gerben van Steenbergen:
@Piet I look vanaf 11:30 to the webcam and the external player doesn't work :-(
 20-06-2009  Sietse Nagel:
Another cam on Scholma. Then we can see a nice possability
 20-06-2009 Belfastchild:
It would be nice if Scholma would say the moves more instead of  "die" and "zo" when pointing something out.
 20-06-2009  Willem Leijenaar:
Als Auke Scholma nu ook nog nummers van de velden oplepelt i.p.v. dit veld hier en dit veld daar, dan is het helemaal perfect te volgen vanaf de luie stoel!
 20-06-2009  Piet Bouma:
@Gerben. De webcam/streaming video starts slowly up.
 20-06-2009  Tjalling:
The sound is horrifying! It is echoing all over.
 20-06-2009 groeneveld:
sorry for the double comment
 20-06-2009 guest:
Told you...........i did speak G. yesterday and he told me that he open 33-29
 20-06-2009  Gerben van Steenbergen:
waarom deot de webcam het niet??
 20-06-2009  Geb Kos:
Click on next for the next game
 20-06-2009  Tjalling:
Wake up, people!
 20-06-2009  Sietse Nagel:
Auke klik op next
 20-06-2009 Bart de Vos:
Unbelievable, again a Keller
 20-06-2009  Leo van der Galien:
Tjalling, dat vraag je aan iemand met een rating van 969 ............ik heb dus geen flauwe notie !!
 20-06-2009 groeneveld:
i am watching since 11 o clock
and still no sound  
that's a little bit long
i am watching since 11 o clock
and still no sound  
that's a little bit long
 20-06-2009 guest:
i'll take the bet
 20-06-2009  Sietse Nagel:
It last some time after opening the site before the sound did work.
 20-06-2009  Tjalling:
Rotjoch, how many more games will we see in this match before a decision is reached you think?
 20-06-2009 Bart de Vos:
Rein, I'm willing to bet that Georgiev won't dare play Keller with (relatively) so little time on the clock.
 20-06-2009 groeneveld:
unfortunately : still nothing
 20-06-2009  Sietse Nagel:
To the people who just putting the computer on, the right dark person is not Schwarzman. It is referee Frank Teer. Auke Scholma verwacht niet dat het vandaag wordt beslist, horen we net met de verborgen microfoon.
 20-06-2009 Rein van der Pal:
Within 15 minutes we wil be witness of the sixth Keller-game 1.33-29 17-22 etc.
 20-06-2009  Sietse Nagel:
Candid Camera 
 20-06-2009  Paul van de Veen:
To avoid double echoing sounds: Click on the webcam and mute the volume. Now you will havee only the external player sound.Or Mute the volume in the externa player etcetera
 20-06-2009 groeneveld:
@ s.nagel

windows media player 
is set to the highest level 
but i still hear nothing 
not even wispering

 20-06-2009  Sietse Nagel:
Put your sound to the highest level Groeneveld.
 20-06-2009  Geb Kos:
In the games menu you can download this game as pdn-file
 20-06-2009 groeneveld:
i can't hear sound at all
 20-06-2009  Leo van der Galien:
Even Rotjoch is present, the lucky bastard !!
 20-06-2009  Sietse Nagel:
The external player does work at this moment. But there is a double sound, from de webcam and from the external player. Like a stadionsound.
 20-06-2009 Bart de Vos:
I'm thoroughly enjoying the gossip.
Thumbs up to Frank Teer and Wouter van Beek :)
 20-06-2009  Paul van de Veen:
The video is stored. No thoughts yet about publishing. We are now setting up the audio stream from the Agora. Next game starts 12.30
 20-06-2009 Rein van der Pal:
Georgiev had a slight advantage during the second part of the game, but Schwarzman defended correctly. Be glad the players don't milk out the 3x1 endgame.
 20-06-2009  Willem Leijenaar:
Erg leuk om dit zo te volgen!
 20-06-2009  Sietse Nagel:
Now the webcamview is totaly black. Launch in external player did not work. Something with firewall.
I am not sure about that.

Wait, now I have view again.
 20-06-2009 guest:
Will the video broadcast be stored and published?
 20-06-2009 lerak:
When is the next game?
 20-06-2009  Sietse Nagel:
View is like rapid eyemovement on my screen .
TG, wake up !
 20-06-2009 Bart de Vos:
Martijn/guest, I didn't suggest that black should actually play 14-20 (for obvious reasons as mentioned by both of you). I just spotted a combination I thought I'd mention (for those of us less skilled in draughts.

It's clearly not a draw yet. It seems like Schwarzman is with his back against the wall. Can he keep it cool and find a draw?
 20-06-2009  Feike Boomstra:
47. database draw
 20-06-2009 guest:
36..14-20? is very dangerous because of 33-28!
 20-06-2009 chessplayer:
being able to hear Scholma's comment, that would be great! But I doubt the comments will be in English :)
 20-06-2009  Paul van de Veen:
@Piet: Sound from explication is possible. Next game.
 20-06-2009 Martijn:
@Bart de Vos, after 36.14-20 white can play 34-29 and black has nothing.
 20-06-2009 Bart de Vos:
The first game will result in a draw.
 20-06-2009  Piet Bouma:
I believe Auke Scholma is giving demonstrations. Is it possible to plugin another soundchannel, so we hear his comments live in English?
 20-06-2009 Bart de Vos:
Black could have played 36. 14-20 after which white can't play 30-35, due to 18-22 24-29 22-27. A combination over 7 white pieces!
 20-06-2009  Paul van de Veen:
About 50 spectators.
 20-06-2009 guest:
how many spectators are there in the campus at this moment?
 20-06-2009 Bart de Vos:
27. 40-34 is actually a smarte move (in stead of 27-22)
Georgiev seems to have the advantage now.
26. 31-27 12-18 and white has to take 27-22.
 20-06-2009  Paul van de Veen:
On request we dimmed the theaterlights a little bit. Launch external to have a better view.
 20-06-2009 guest:
yes music
 20-06-2009  Feike Boomstra:
Sorry, I have a problem with Horizon, working on it.  
 20-06-2009  Paul van de Veen:
Yes, there is about 25 sec. of delay compared to reality. We have very sensitive mikes. The conditions for the players are excellent.
 20-06-2009 albino:
why is so dark?
 20-06-2009 chessplayer:
I can hear music and people whispering. How are the conditions for the players, does this not disturb them?
 20-06-2009 Bart de Vos:
It's more than 5 seconds.
It's more like 10-15 seconds.
 20-06-2009 v9wx3a:
where's the music coming from?
 20-06-2009  Dani?l de Vreugd:
Seems that the video has a delay of 5 sec compared to the live applet !
 20-06-2009 lerak:
Where are the analizers?
 20-06-2009  Paul van de Veen:
We will start within three minutes.
 20-06-2009 Draughter:
Frank is busy with it now.
 20-06-2009  Piet Bouma:
I hope that they see that the time of the clock has to be adjusted.
It's rapid and blitz today!
 20-06-2009 Rudolf Smedinga:
Let the game start! Enjoy the games!!!
 20-06-2009 Draughter:
Very nice this live-streaming! Can't wait till the games begin.
 20-06-2009  Paul van de Veen:
Piet, Vergelijk svp Barrages en de huidige Live pagina. Heb 2 partijen als test.
 20-06-2009  Piet Bouma:
Graphic analysis "Horizon";

The barrage will start on 20-06-2009 on 11.00 hrs Dutch time.
If you enter the Livegame the current game appears.
When the game is finished (result is filled in at applet) click on Next.
Below the computer analysis there is an archive. Here you can see the games which are played.
In the commentroom you can make comments on all games, during the whole day.
Please make your remarks beginning with for example Game 1, so spectators can understand which game is affected.

We hope to bring all rapid and blitz games live on applet and live on streaming video to you. This has never been done before so please be patient with us. In case of problems please read the help section.