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 27-08-2023  Ronald Schalley:
Dag Ferry,

Mooie varianten. Hoe gaat het verder in diagram 5 na de terugruil 38...14-19?
 27-08-2023  Ferry Kemperman:
PDN     Diagram 5
33. 28-22 12-18 34. 34-30 07-12 35. 43-39 19-23 36. 39-34 12-17 37. 30-25 17x28 38. 38-32

Instead of 35.30-25, white can play 43-39, because the combination Coupe Ricou after 11-17x7 (as seen in the previous variation) is deadly. However 19-23 39-34 12-17 is problematic for white, although 38.38-32 is sufficient for a draw.

Shoot holes in it if you want, it was a Sunday morning analysis session without an engine, quite enjoyable.
PDN     Diagram 4
33. 28-22 12-18 34. 34-30 07-12 35. 43-39 11-17 36. 22x11 16x07 37. 29-24 20x29 38. 27-21 26x17 39. 38-33 29x38 40. 37-32 38x27 41. 31x02
PDN     Diagram 3
33. 28-22 12-18 34. 34-30 07-12 35. 30-25 19-24 36. 47-42 24x33 37. 38x29 12-17 38. 42-38 17x28 39. 38-32

This variation is clearly more problemtic for white if black plays 35.19-23 35-30, because of the weak LW, but at least it doesn't lose a piece.
PDN     Diagram 2
33. 28-22 12-18 34. 34-30 19-23 35. 30-24 23x34 36. 27-21 26x28 37. 38-32 20x29 38. 32x01
PDN     Diagram 1
33. 28-22 12-18 34. 34-30 20-25 35. 29-24 25x34 36. 27-21 26x28 37. 38-32 19x30 38. 32x01
Paul offers a piece on move 35.27-22? This is unnecessary imo. Even though 38-32 is forbidden because of 19-24 and black poses a threat with 20-24 Z+, Paul can play the ugly move 28-22?!. Let's check some variations. I didn't use a computer, so if I miss something let me know.